Martin Lewis has issued an urgent warning to state pensioners to claim a government benefit worth up to £3,900.
The MoneySavingExpert founder said more than 800,000 pensioners are currently missing out on vital support from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
Lewis made a plea for people of State Pension age to apply for Pension Credit during his Budget special episode of his ITV ‘The Martin Lewis Money Show’ on Thursday.
Around 1.4 million pensioners are already getting Pension Credit, but an estimated 880,000 eligible households are yet to submit a claim. The benefit tops up your weekly income to £218.15 if you’re single, or your joint weekly income to £332.95 if you have a partner.
It is worth £3,900 on average per year and it can serve as a gateway to other financial help, including the Winter Fuel Payment worth up to £300, Council Tax discount, a free TV licence if you’re aged 75 or over, and help with heating costs through the Warm Home Discount Scheme.
You must live in England, Scotland or Wales and have reached State Pension age to qualify for Pension Credit. If you’re yet to claim it, make sure you do so before the deadline of December 21, 2024 as this is the last date for making a backdated claim to ensure you get the £300 Winter Fuel Payment.
Speaking on his show, Lewis said: “I just want to say, because the government is not doing anything, if you know someone on the State Pension on a very low income, they’ve lost the cost of living payment, they’ve lost winter fuel payment, please get them to check if they are eligible for Pension Credit.”
Lewis pointed out that by claiming Pension Credit, it would entitle pensioners to get the £300 Winter Fuel Payment. He added: “Winter Fuel Payment for the first year used to be universal, now it is means-tested. And it’s means-tested for most people based on eligibility for Pension Credit.
“Do you have earnings of under around £220 a week coming in with a total of your State Pension and any other income above £10,000 of savings? If it’s under that level, apply for Pension Credit. It’s worth an average of around £3,900 a year and you would get your Winter Fuel Payment.
“If you’re above that, and because that level of means-testing is very low, then you’re not going to be due Winter Fuel Payment.”
The DWP has also issued a reminder to people of State Pension age to check their eligibility for Pension Credit to make sure they don’t miss out on the Winter Fuel Payment this year.
In a statement, the government department said: “Eligible pensioners can also receive up to £300 for the Winter Fuel Payment which is set to land in bank accounts in the next two months. We continue to urge anyone who thinks they may be entitled to Pension Credit to check now.
“This could be worth up to £3,900 a year on average and open the doors to other benefits including help with housing costs, council tax reduction as well as a Winter Fuel Payment, and all eligible Pension Credit claims can be backdated.”
To apply for Pension Credit you’ll need your National Insurance number, information about any income, savings and investments you have, and your bank details.
Applications can be made online via the government website, by calling the Pension Credit claim line on 0800 99 1234, or by sending a claim form by post to Freepost DWP Pensions Service 3.