Fury at church as porn flashes up on big screen as schoolkids take part in sing-song | UK | News


Small children were exposed to pornography during a church service in East Riding of Yorkshire, in an episode that has shocked parents and forced council chiefs to step in.

As kids as young as six and seven were enjoying a harvest sing-song, pornographic images flashed up on the big screen.

Teachers reportedly dashed to turn off the lewd images, being projected from a laptop belonging to church volunteers.

Staff at Hornsea Community Primary School have reportedly written to parents to apologise.

The council then sent in safeguarding staff to talk to the distressed kids, while parents expressed their anger over the youngsters being exposed to “utter filfth”.

One nameless parent told The Sun: “One minute the children are singing We Plough The Fields And ­Scatter, the next the church is showing the pupils utter filth.

“The six and seven year olds were gobsmacked and didn’t know where to look.”

A letter informing parents of the episode was seen by the publication. It read: “As part of the singing, a church computer screen was used to share the song words.

“The church volunteers used their laptop to do this, and unfortunately for a few seconds, some inappropriate content was shown on the screen. Our staff immediately intervened and removed this from the screen.

“We are not sure if the children were aware of this and we have not spoken to them about it.”

The letter continued: “Mrs Semper, our safeguarding lead, is following it up to ensure the church deal with this in an appropriate manner.”

Victoria Aitken, an East Riding of Yorkshire councillor, told the outlet: “The school informed families the same day and will not be using the church until we can be reassured that this cannot happen again. The church are conducting their own enquiries.”

A senior member of the church said: “There’s nothing to defend here. We will just let the process take its course.

“It’s in the hands of the professionals.”


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