Brits sent spider warning and urged to do one thing to stop homes being invaded | UK | News


As the calendar flips into September, Brits have been sent a warning that they can expect more spiders entering their homes.

The weather is now getting cooler, meaning our eight-legged friends will increasingly seek out dry, warm areas often inside our homes.

The first piece of advice is simple: keep doors and windows closed as often as possible.

Whilst not a totally foolproof method, this is effective in preventing spiders from entering your home, particularly overnight when they are known to be more active.

Social media content creator Bill Flataeu posted on TikTok about the ‘national spider warning’ in the UK. He said: “Keep all your windows and doors shut as often as possible from mid-August, going into October.”

According to experts, other ways to keep spiders out of your home is to use certain herbs, plants, and flowers with strong scents to ward them off.

Lavender, basil, mint, and rosemary are thought to be effective in omitting a fragrance that prevents spiders from lurking in one place.

The RSPB has also reported that the numbers of large spiders in the UK is expected to grow.

The UK’s largest breed of spider, known as Fen Raft Spiders, has made a comeback on RSPB nature reserves thanks to conservation efforts.

The spiders, who can have a leg span of up to 7cm and are known for their large webs able to spin able to create a net that can measure up to 25cm.

The RSPB claims that adult female Fen Raft Spiders can grow up to the size of your palm, but arachnophobes will be pleased to know that, despite their large appearance, they are harmless to humans. Fen Raft Spiders can be spotted by a white or cream-coloured band around the body.

The number of spiders in our homes will also increase as spider mating season begins, hitting a peak around mid-October, often lasting through to November.

Speaking with Ideal Home, home expert Melody Maison says that conkers are a great way to keep animals out of your room. She said: “There is an age-old belief that placing conkers in the corner of your room will repel spiders within your home.”

She adds that “conkers contain a noxious chemical that, when in close proximity, can result in the death of spiders.”

Other methods include using white wine vinegar or lemon water to spray spiders, turning lights off when possible, and avoiding leaving fruit and other food out around the house.


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